Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese medi­cine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an alternative medicine whose primary therapeutic procedures include acupuncture, medication therapy, Chinese dietetics, Qigong, herbal medicine, massage techniques and movement exercises.

TCM has been around in China for thousands of years. Background is a holistic approach to diseases. Therapy methods are individually developed: The basic concept behind TCM is that the macrocosm finds itself in the microcosm. This means that phenomena of nature also (may) occur in humans and their diseases in a similar way.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the free flow of energy is called "Qi". This should be caused entirely – if possible – by the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. The human being is supposed to be in harmony with him/herself, his nature and environment. Treatment areas of traditional Chinese medicine are various acute and chronic diseases as well as adjunctive therapy in addition to conventional medicine.